A New Website And A Whole Lot More!


We’ve spruced things up a bit around here — and the changes include much more than just a fresh coat of paint. Here’s an overview of the new features you’ll find on our site:

  • The State of Journey Managers, 2018: Our latest report is the industry’s first comprehensive research study into the emerging role of journey managers. Download it now.
  • The Always Up-To-Date Guide To CX Events: We’re aiming to deliver your definitive guide for customer experience networking and education. Consider the current list our minimum viable product, as we’ve got more changes coming soon. Got an event to add to our list? Let us know.
  • New services: Well, new to our website anyway. We’re finally going public with some of our more recent offerings — our innovation accelerator, experience audit, and journey management advisory. Take a look at all we do.

But that’s not all… We’ve got a lot of exciting announcements lined up for the fall. Sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know.


I can’t end this post without giving a huge shout out to the behind-the-scenes folks — our experience ecosystem — who made all this happen:

  • Design: The spectacular team at Four By North created a design language that truly embodies our brand, designed our new site and all related collateral, produced our photo shoot, and managed the entire development project across more time zones than we can count. Whew! They’ve been busy.
  • Development: The gang of superstar developers at Objectiv brought our vision to life, ensuring every detail was right for launch. They deserve my eternal gratitude and a big bottle of aspirin. 😉
  • Photography: Sarah Deragon of Portraits To The People captured the essence of our work beautifully, putting everyone at our photoshoot at ease. I can’t recommend her services highly enough.

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