For Love Profits

Create Customer Loyalty.
Drive Business Results.

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Kerry Bodine is the co-author of Outside In and a globally recognized customer experience expert. She founded Bodine & Co. in 2014 on the belief that unified and profitable customer experiences must be built from within — and that requires new ways of working and thinking.

150+ keynotes
in 20+ countries

1,000+ workshop attendees

Hundreds of global clients

We love what we do. Really.

When we get up in the morning, we’re supercharged knowing that we get to make a difference for people all around the world: Saving your customers time, reducing their stress, creating more enjoyable experiences, and making life’s everyday tasks easier.

In short:
We help you make your customers love you.

But our work isn’t just about making your customers happy. We’re also here to make you money. We call this intersection of customer needs and business outcomes The Customer Experience Sweet Spot — and it’s a major focus of everything we do. 

Our products and services create growth opportunities, drive revenue, and decrease your cost to serve. At the end of the day if we have’t done that, we haven’t done our job.


Make Happy Customers. Transform Businesses.

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