Join Me At The 17th International Retail Congress in Peru


This event has been rescheduled for September 17 & 18. Hope to see you there!


What are you doing on March 17 & 18? If you’re going to find yourself in the neighborhood of Lima, Peru, please join me at the 17th International Retail Congress.

Retail 2020 is aimed at entrepreneurs, managers, general managers, business managers, marketing managers, vendors, and consultants — and will address the main trends, changes and challenges of the retail sector in Peru.

I’ll be speaking about the value of taking a journey mindset to customer experience change initiatives. And I’m excited to hear from the other keynote speakers: trends expert Daniel Levine and Lars Silberbauer, SVP of Viacom Digital Studios.

You can learn more about the conference on the official conference website. Hope to see you there!

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