Congratulations To The 2020 Service Design Award Finalists!


If you’re looking for customer experience or service design inspiration, look no further. We’ve just announced our ten 2020 Service Design Award finalists. (And no, that’s not a typo… Covid through a wrench into our annual awards schedule.)

The Finalists

Commercial Work

Non-Profit/Public Sector Work

Student Work

The Jury

This was my fifth year serving as the head of the Service Design Awards jury. I want to recognize our jury members from around the world who committed a significant amount of time to reading and assessing each submission, then discussing the merits of the top vote getters in several meetings that inevitably occurred at odd hours of the night for *someone* in the group. But despite the time zone craziness, we always have a great time in our debates  (as you can see in the image above).

My gratitude to:

And special thanks to Sonja Jazik from the Service Design Network who coordinates the entire awards program from Germany.

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