New Study Shows Major Disconnect Between Companies And Customers

Earlier this week I posted about a study commissioned by the CRM platform Insightly, which showed the lengths that consumers and business decision makers would go to in order to avoid stressful customer service interactions. While the consumers and business decision makers in this study were clearly aligned on their feelings about the issue resolution […]

10 Benefits Of Choosing “Customer-Powered Profits”

Here are 10 benefits of choosing Customer-Powered Profits as the customer experience training program for your function, business unit, and broader organization: Complete a real customer experience project that delivers business value. This is the only online customer experience training program that truly turns learning into action. In each of the 10 training modules, you’ll […]

Just Say No To Silver Platters — And Yes To Co-Creation

I worked at an advertising agency for just over a year. (A year and a day to be exact.) Here’s how our typically engagement worked: The client would provide a brief. We’d quickly get to work on it, far out of sight from the peering eyes of our client. And when we were ready, we’d […]

Attention Marketers: Your Campaign Workflow Is NOT A Customer Journey

The concept of the “journey” has permeated organizations over the past several years. While this might seem like good news to someone like me who champions the journey framework, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend — and it reminds me of one of my favorite movies. In The Princess Bride, the character Vizzini repeatedly exclaims, “Inconceivable!” […]

Broken Promises: Courtyard By Marriott Edition

A friend of mine recently had a business trip to the Bay Area and booked his room at the Courtyard by Marriott in downtown Oakland. The morning before his stay, he received an email from Marriott, encouraging him to “Use Mobile Check-In to access Elite benefits.” He read through the email and saw that one […]

Marketing Through Valuable Experiences

I first read Gilmore & Pine’s The Experience Is the Marketing on a cross-country flight sometime around the year 2007. Their article was already several years old at that point, but their ideas made me want to jump out of my seat with joyful cheers: “To be clear, we’re not talking about ‘experiential marketing’ — […]

Big Promises, Small Promises: Can Your Organization Keep Both?

JetBlue built its brand on being a different kind of airline.  At a time when other US-based airlines were cutting leg room, eliminating meals, and charging for bags, JetBlue gave flyers room to stretch, provided free yummy snacks, and resisted financial pressure to nickel and dime its customers with fees. The airline seemed to know […]

New Customer Experience Workshops Announced!

I’m excited to announce two additions to our 2017 workshop lineup! NEW! Brand Experience Please contact us to schedule your private workshop. We’ve taken the best of our Designing Brand Experiences consulting offering and compressed it into a one-day workshop. In this interactive workshop, we’ll help you examine your organization’s brand from the outside in […]

3 CX Lessons To (Re)Learn From The 2017 Super Bowl Ads

In 2017, brands shouldn’t be fumbling around to pull off a successful Super Bowl ad. And yet, errors and missed opportunities abounded in last night’s game. Here are three lessons that marketers and customer experience professionals (and the advertising agencies they turn to for advice) still need to learn: Stress test your friggin website! 84 […]

Broken Promises: United Airlines Edition

On September 24, 2013, United Airlines sent out an email announcing its renewed commitment to customer experience and the resurrection of its “Fly The Friendly Skies” tagline from decades past. The email read, “‘Friendly’ now means more than it ever did. It means being user‑friendly. In other words, flyer‑friendly. We’re giving you an unmatched global […]

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