Customer Experience: How To Get On The Superhighway To Business Success

Here’s how I define customer experience: It’s your customers’ thoughts, emotions, and perceptions about their interactions with your organization. These words — thoughts, emotions, perceptions — sound touchy-feely. Fluffy even. And because of that, many execs and organizations still dismiss them. But here’s what innovative organizations understand: Customer experience is the superhighway to business success. So […]
10 Benefits Of Choosing “Customer-Powered Profits”

Here are 10 benefits of choosing Customer-Powered Profits as the customer experience training program for your function, business unit, and broader organization: Complete a real customer experience project that delivers business value. This is the only online customer experience training program that truly turns learning into action. In each of the 10 training modules, you’ll […]
You Must Invest In Customer Experience

Back in May 2014, I wrote a post titled The Connection Between Customer Satisfaction & Stock Price. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) had recently made headlines, along with a 13-year financial analysis of the publicly traded companies in the index. Here’s the gist of my post: The ACSI had created a stock portfolio comprising […]
The Connection Between Customer Satisfaction & Stock Price

The field of customer experience made headlines a few months back when Bloomberg Businessweek published a story titled, “Proof That It Pays to Be America’s Most-Hated Companies.” The article highlighted an analysis of the 2013 stock market returns for 146 publicly traded companies ranked on the 2013 American Customer Satisfaction Index® (ACSI). “You won’t be […]
How Customer Experience Impacts Your Bottom Line

I recently received a rather depressing phone call. My friend, the head of customer experience at a large manufacturing firm, had been laid off along with the rest of her team. This was upsetting on a personal level, of course. But what we jointly bemoaned was the bigger picture: the fact that so many companies […]