10 Benefits Of Choosing “Customer-Powered Profits”

Here are 10 benefits of choosing Customer-Powered Profits as the customer experience training program for your function, business unit, and broader organization: Complete a real customer experience project that delivers business value. This is the only online customer experience training program that truly turns learning into action. In each of the 10 training modules, you’ll […]

To Unlock Customer Insights, Speak No Evil

Imagine you’re in the midst of a journey mapping workshop and your customers are bombarding you—in a good way—with insights about their needs and expectations. Somewhere along the way, a participant recounts a particularly bad experience, and you feel compelled to explain the behind-the-scenes factors that derailed her experience. “Well, that’s because of a regulation […]

How “T-Rex Arms” Help Uncover Rich Customer Insights

Half an hour after the first round of introductions and ice breakers, our customer journey mapping workshop was in full swing. The five customers in my group were in the midst of a warm-up activity we often use to precede journey mapping proper—brainstorming and prioritizing the ways in which they interact with an organization, in […]

Asking Customers For Their Ideas? Share What You’ll Do Next

Clients who want to bring customers into a co-creation workshop frequently ask us about the logistics—like the right incentives to get people to participate and which customers should (and shouldn’t) be invited. But often our clients are most worried about over promising the actions they’ll take after customers go home: How do we solicit feedback […]

3 Steps To Better Customer Research

In a recent post, I talked about the trade-offs between quantitative and qualitative research. Here’s a quick summary: Neither is better than the other. Rather, they each have their relative strengths and weaknesses. But in order to get the most out of each research method, you need to properly sequence quantitative and qualitative research activities […]

The Trade-offs Between Quant & Qual Customer Research

A hammer is the perfect tool for pounding nails into a 2×4, but would be terrible at cutting it in half. A basic handsaw would easily take care of that single cut, but probably wouldn’t be your saw of choice if you had to cut a pile of 1000 boards. Just as no tool in […]

Ignite A Customer-Centric Culture With Customer Insights

If you read my last post, you understand the importance of supplementing quantitative customer data with insights gleaned through interviews and observational research. But as shocking as this might sound, deep customer insights aren’t the ultimate objective. Your real aim is to deliver a customer experience that drives customer loyalty, revenue, and cost savings. And […]

Why Deep Customer Insights Rely On Qualitative Research

In a recent post, I talked about the danger of making assumptions about your customers — and the importance of learning as much as you can about your customers’ real needs, desires, emotions, and expectations. Quantitative data plays a role in this, of course. Website analytics will show you the paths that people navigate on […]

My Customers Are Not Like Me

When I was getting my Master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction, my professors required my classmates and I to write “The user is not like me” at the top of every test and project we turned in. Failure to do so resulted in a failing grade. At the time it seemed a bit silly — but […]

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