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Our Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2018

Jan. 10, 2019 by Kerry Bodine

Our Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2018

It’s the beginning of a new year, which is always the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past and make grand plans for the future. (And just in case you’re wondering, that’s exactly what we’re doing here at Kerry Bodine & Co.) As part of that effort, I recently took a look back at our (Read More...)

Customer Support Is Not Just A Safety Net

May 2, 2018 by Kerry Bodine

Customer Support Is Not Just A Safety Net

Time flies… I realized the other day that Outside In was published nearly 6 years ago. And while a lot has changed in the world and in the sphere of customer experience during that time, I firmly believe that the analysis and advice in the book are just as relevant in 2018 as they were (Read More...)

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Our Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2017

Jan. 28, 2018 by Kerry Bodine

Our Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2017

It’s the beginning of a new year, which is always the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past and make grand plans for the future. As part of that effort, I recently took a look back at our most popular posts of 2017—and I wanted to share them with you here. I hope they inspire (Read More...)

How To Scale Service Design: Ubiquity

Nov. 30, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

How To Scale Service Design: Ubiquity

Last week I published the first in a series of four posts on how to scale service design, based on my closing remarks at this year’s Service Design Global Conference in Madrid. The focus of that first post was technology. In today’s post, the second in the series, I’ll talk about ubiquity. “Ubiquity” can mean a lot (Read More...)

Why Do You Need Journey Maps?

July 30, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

Why Do You Need Journey Maps?

Journey maps have become one of the most popular tools for understanding and improving customer experiences. (Case in point: more than 1,000 people have downloaded our free journey mapping template since the beginning of this year.) But why are journey maps so popular? And why should you invest in developing them? Let’s start with the (Read More...)

2017: The Year Of The Journey

Jan. 23, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

2017: The Year Of The Journey

Over the last decade, journey maps have transformed from obscure design artifacts to common customer experience tools. And they’re not just for CX professionals anymore. When I recently met with a group of three dozen cross- industry customer service, operations, and technology professionals, most of their eyes lit up when I mentioned journey maps—and several (Read More...)

The 9 Stages Of The Archetypal Customer Journey

June 16, 2015 by Kerry Bodine

The 9 Stages Of The Archetypal Customer Journey

No two customer journeys look the same. No two customers will ever interact with you in exactly the same way at exactly the same time—nor will they share exactly the same perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and memories about those interactions. And yet, to create customer journey maps, we need to assume some degree of similarity amongst (Read More...)

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