Journey Mapping & Facilitation Bootcamp: May 8-9 in Chicago

It’s the first day of spring, and we’re looking forward to enjoying a few days in our favorite Chicago season when we travel there for our Journey Mapping and Facilitation bootcamp on May 8 and 9. Day 1 mirrors that of our signature journey mapping bootcamp to help you build a strong foundation in the […]

Cyber Monday Sale on 2019 Bootcamps

We hope you’ll join us in one of these fun locations next year for our two-day customer journey mapping bootcamps: January 30 & 31 in San Francisco: Our signature journey mapping bootcamp, which one recent attendee called “an MBA on steroids” May 8 & 9 in Chicago: Our newest workshop on journey mapping and facilitation, […]

Journey Mapping From Coast To Coast

Summer’s still in full swing. But our final two journey mapping bootcamps of 2018 are right around the corner. September 12 – 13 in Boston Our signature journey mapping bootcamp is the perfect starting point for those just getting their feet wet, of for those looking for a methodology refresh. Establish a strong foundation in […]

To Unlock Customer Insights, Speak No Evil

Imagine you’re in the midst of a journey mapping workshop and your customers are bombarding you—in a good way—with insights about their needs and expectations. Somewhere along the way, a participant recounts a particularly bad experience, and you feel compelled to explain the behind-the-scenes factors that derailed her experience. “Well, that’s because of a regulation […]

5 Steps To Mapping The Customer Journey

Wondering how to map the experiences that your customers currently have with your organization? Follow these five steps. 1. HYPOTHESIZE about the experience you currently deliver A hypothesis journey map is just what it sounds like: your hypothesis of what customers go through as they do business with you. Be careful with this step—it’s necessary, but can […]

JOIN US! Journey Mapping Bootcamp On May 16 & 17 In Chicago

One recent attendee called our journey mapping bootcamp “an MBA on steroids.” On May 16 & 17, join us in the heart of Chicago to find out why. Our signature two-day bootcamp is jam packed with content and exercises that will answer these questions: Why are customer journeys (and journey maps) important? What makes journey […]

Our Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2017

It’s the beginning of a new year, which is always the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past and make grand plans for the future. As part of that effort, I recently took a look back at our most popular posts of 2017—and I wanted to share them with you here. I hope they inspire […]

Cyber Monday Sale on 2018 Workshops

We hope you’ll join us in one of these fun locations next year for our signature two-day customer journey mapping workshop: February 27 & 28 in San Francisco May 16 & 17 in Chicago September 12 & 13 in Boston Register early and save! With our Early Bird discount, you’ll save $100 on our regular […]

2018 Journey Mapping Workshops

We’ve been getting multiple requests over the past few weeks about our 2018 journey mapping workshop schedule. So without further ado… We hope you’ll join us in one of these fun locations next year for our signature two-day workshop! February 27 & 28 in San Francisco May 16 & 17 in Chicago September 12 & […]

Q&A From Our Webinar With J.D.Power

Yesterday I co-hosted a journey mapping webinar with our partner J.D.Power. We got a ton of great questions from the attendees, but didn’t have time to answer them all on the call. But good news: I’ve answered them all here! You’ll find them grouped them into four categories: general questions, how to get started, types […]

Join our virtual journey mapping bootcamp in January!


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