5 Steps To Mapping The Customer Journey

Wondering how to map the experiences that your customers currently have with your organization? Follow these five steps. 1. HYPOTHESIZE about the experience you currently deliver A hypothesis journey map is just what it sounds like: your hypothesis of what customers go through as they do business with you. Be careful with this step—it’s necessary, but can […]

Our Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2017

It’s the beginning of a new year, which is always the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past and make grand plans for the future. As part of that effort, I recently took a look back at our most popular posts of 2017—and I wanted to share them with you here. I hope they inspire […]

WEBINAR: How To Use Journey Maps To Plan and Evangelize Self-Service Initiatives

Journey mapping has become a regular practice both inside and outside of customer experience organizations. But are you getting the full mileage from your journey mapping efforts—or did your efforts stall upon delivery of the maps? Join me as I share the power of customer journeys to develop your self-service strategy. Following my presentation, Solvvy […]

How To Map All The Variations In Your Customers’ Journeys

I got a great question this morning from some colleagues who attended of one of our recent journey mapping workshops together: “Our marketing team would like to map the prospect journey from awareness up to purchase, but there are so many entry points and no linear process. Prospects could see an ad, then read one of […]

Q&A From Our Webinar With J.D.Power

Yesterday I co-hosted a journey mapping webinar with our partner J.D.Power. We got a ton of great questions from the attendees, but didn’t have time to answer them all on the call. But good news: I’ve answered them all here! You’ll find them grouped them into four categories: general questions, how to get started, types […]

Why Do You Need Journey Maps?

Journey maps have become one of the most popular tools for understanding and improving customer experiences. (Case in point: more than 1,000 people have downloaded our free journey mapping template since the beginning of this year.) But why are journey maps so popular? And why should you invest in developing them? Let’s start with the […]

Feeling Overwhelmed By Journey Mapping? You’re Not Alone

Whenever we conduct one of our open enrollment journey mapping workshops, we start by asking attendees to list three words that describe their current feelings toward journey mapping. As you can see above, the top two responses are curious and excited. But overwhelmed is a close third. Take a look at the smaller text, and […]

Hypothesis Journey Maps: Necessary AND Dangerous

I recently received this question from a reader in the UK: Which is more effective, creating journey maps based on actual customer stories or creating journey maps based on stories created (imagined) by employees? That’s a great question. But it’s actually not a matter of which one is more effective. In fact, both types of […]

How To Choose A Persona For Your Journey Map

In a recent post, I tackled the common question of which journey(s) an organization should map. But equally important is the question of which persona should be associated with that map. Before I go any further, let me make this point clear: EVERY JOURNEY MAP NEEDS AN ASSOCIATED PERSONA. Why is this? Quite simply, different […]

How To Map Long, Amorphous Journeys

In my last post, I mentioned that some of my early journey mapping clients were investment firms that wanted to map journeys like “saving for retirement” or “building financial wealth.” These journeys were of obvious importance to my clients: By understanding customers’ mindsets and needs along the way, they could help them save more and […]

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