2018 Service Design Award — Call for Entries!


As head of the jury for the Service Design Awards, I’m proud to stand behind the outstanding and inspirational 2017 winners, and I look forward to welcoming our 2018 submissions. So if you’re a student, designer, or professional doing great service design work, don’t miss the opportunity to gain international recognition by entering in 2018.

What is the Service Design Award?

The Service Design Award is the premier international award for service design. As the field of service design continues to grow and develop—and as the impact of services and customer experience is increasingly recognized on a global scale—the Service Design Award showcases best practices to a worldwide audience.

Important Dates

You can save with early bird entry through Tuesday, April 10. Regular entry run from April 11 – June 4.

More Info & Submission Links

You can find more information here:

Good luck to you! I hope to greet you at as a finalist at the 2018 Service Design Global Conference in Dublin, Ireland on October 11 & 12.

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