Hello, Austin! Doberman & I Will See You At SXSW 2015

Organizers for the annual SXSW interactive, film, and music festivals recently posted their 2015 programming lineup — and I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be presenting with my friend and colleague, Lisa Lindström, CEO of the experience design firm Doberman. Our session, How Kids Changed the Way We Design for Adults, will showcase the lessons that Doberman […]

Can We PLEASE Design Better Conference Nametags?

I go to a lot of conferences. A lot. And frankly, I’m sick and tired of all the bad nametag design that I see — even, or I should say especially, at DESIGN conferences. Here the major problems: Tiny type. Type sizes that are easy to read on a screen or on a printout that […]

Once Again, It’s Time For SXSW Voting!

I’ve submitted two really fun sessions for SXSW 2015. The first, It’s Time To Design Better Smartwatch Interfaces, will share the results of a wearables research study that I’m collaborating on with the talented folks at AnswerLab. The second, How Kids Changed The Way We Design For Adults, is based on the amazing design work […]

My Partnerships With The Swedes

I’m not sure if it’s my Swedish heritage, my penchant for Scandinavian design, or my love of long summer days — but as I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve decided to partner with two fantastic Swedish organizations: Doberman and Hyper Island. I thought I’d introduce them to those of you who haven’t yet had […]

What’s Next for Kerry Bodine?

In December I made the difficult decision to leave Forrester Research. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunities that Forrester has afforded me since I first walked in the door back in 2004. My work there has changed the trajectory of my career and brought some of my best friends into my life. (You know who […]

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