Big Promises, Small Promises: Can Your Organization Keep Both?

JetBlue built its brand on being a different kind of airline.  At a time when other US-based airlines were cutting leg room, eliminating meals, and charging for bags, JetBlue gave flyers room to stretch, provided free yummy snacks, and resisted financial pressure to nickel and dime its customers with fees. The airline seemed to know […]

New Customer Experience Workshops Announced!

I’m excited to announce two additions to our 2017 workshop lineup! NEW! Brand Experience Please contact us to schedule your private workshop. We’ve taken the best of our Designing Brand Experiences consulting offering and compressed it into a one-day workshop. In this interactive workshop, we’ll help you examine your organization’s brand from the outside in […]

Customer Experience First, Business Strategy Second

Happy CX Day! On this important day, I want to discuss an important topic: strategy. In a recent post, I lamented how many companies today focus on business strategy first and customer experience strategy second. They decide what they’re going to do—and, as an afterthought, make decisions about how they’ll deliver their products and services. […]

Another One Bites The Dust: JetBlue’s Broken Promises

I’m not angry, JetBlue. I’m just disappointed. Ok, I’m actually pretty miffed, as are many, many others. Last November, when JetBlue announced upcoming changes to its baggage policy and its plans to chop legroom, I wasn’t worried that my flying experience would worsen. Though I’m a frequent JetBlue flier, I’ve checked a bag only twice […]

What Does Your Brand Stand For? No, Really.

Have you seen the website Honest Slogans? Its clever creators juxtapose well-known brand logos against taglines that would make their respective brand managers cringe. My favorites include: Best Buy: Try it out before buying it on Amazon Gillette: We’re just going to keep adding more blades WebMD: Convince yourself that you have a terminal illness […]

Your Brand Is An External Expression Of Your Corporate Culture

Who in your company talks about your corporate brand? My guess is that it’s only the marketing folks. In far too many organizations, I see people in roles like customer service, operations, and finance who view the brand as an elusive concept — one seemingly (and thankfully) controlled by the CMO and ad agency execs. […]

Q&A About Brand, Marketing, & Customer Experience

Last week I did a webinar with the fine folks at the Society of Digital Agencies about the disconnect among brand, marketing, and customer experience (CX) that exists in many organizations. My advice to the attendees, who were (unsurprisingly) mostly from digital agencies, was to strive to connect the marketing promises that they create with […]

Customer Experience & Brand

Your brand is more than a logo and a set of visual design guidelines. It’s a beacon that should set the tone for every internal decision and every external interaction. But systemic disconnects between your marketing department and the rest of your organization can result in confusion over what your brand stands for — and […]

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