Q&A From My CXPA Webinar: From Journey Mapping To Journey Management

On Wednesday I presented a webinar with the Toronto Customer Experience Professionals Association. We got a ton of great questions about the content I presented. So many, in fact, that I didn’t have time to answer them all on the webinar itself. I’ve organized the questions according to the Journey Management framework that I presented […]

Q&A From My Webinar: The Path To Journey Management

Two weeks ago, I delivered a webinar called “The Path To Journey Management” in partnership with Intouch Insight, a CX management solutions provider. (You can still register to watch the replay.) We got a ton of great questions about the content I presented. So many, in fact, that I didn’t have time to answer them […]

Who’s Hiring Journey Managers?

The emerging role of the journey manager represents one of the most important developments since the creation of the Chief Customer Officer, yet many in the customer experience field have yet to encounter a journey manager within their organizations—or to develop a working knowledge of their typical job responsibilities and challenges. That’s not surprising: Compared […]

How To Scale Service Design: Delivery

This is the fourth post in a series about how to scale service design, based on my closing remarks at the 2017 Service Design Global Conference in Madrid. The first three posts focused on technology, the ubiquity of contexts in which practitioners are now applying service design, and the discipline’s need for coaching. This final post will […]

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