3 Events Paved The Path For The Customer Experience Discipline

I’m often asked why companies invest in customer experience — and when this whole customer craze started in the first place. The short answer to the why question is that CX drives financial success. Since I’ve already written about that in other posts, today I’ll tackle the second question: When did companies start caring about customer […]

Our Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2018

It’s the beginning of a new year, which is always the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past and make grand plans for the future. (And just in case you’re wondering, that’s exactly what we’re doing here at Kerry Bodine & Co.) As part of that effort, I recently took a look back at our […]

AT&T Nails SMS

As I was turning on my phone after touchdown in Toronto a few days ago, I realized that I hadn’t set up an international mobile plan for my trip. Ugh. I was in the process of making a mental reminder to log onto AT&T’s website once I got to my hotel room when I got […]

How To Scale Service Design: Delivery

This is the fourth post in a series about how to scale service design, based on my closing remarks at the 2017 Service Design Global Conference in Madrid. The first three posts focused on technology, the ubiquity of contexts in which practitioners are now applying service design, and the discipline’s need for coaching. This final post will […]

Our Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2017

It’s the beginning of a new year, which is always the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past and make grand plans for the future. As part of that effort, I recently took a look back at our most popular posts of 2017—and I wanted to share them with you here. I hope they inspire […]

How To Scale Service Design: Ubiquity

Last week I published the first in a series of four posts on how to scale service design, based on my closing remarks at this year’s Service Design Global Conference in Madrid. The focus of that first post was technology. In today’s post, the second in the series, I’ll talk about ubiquity. “Ubiquity” can mean a lot […]

How To Scale Service Design: Technology

Several weeks ago, I had the honor of delivering the closing remarks at this year’s Service Design Global Conference in Madrid. The theme of the conference this year was “Service Design at Scale”—and over the course of the three days in Madrid, I was inspired by the conference presentations, projects from the Service Design Award […]

Why Should You Care About Customer Experience?

A couple of months back, I wrote a post called You Must Invest In Customer Experience. In it, I detailed research by the American Customer Satisfaction Index that shows that an investment portfolio that takes long bets on CX leaders and shorts CX laggards outperforms the S&P 500 by nearly a factor of five. That […]

WEBINAR: Elevating Service for the Connected Customer

Salesforce Research’s Second Annual State of Service study surveyed over 2,600 global service professionals to understand what trends are driving the future of customer service, and what practices set high-performing teams apart from the rest. Join me, Vala Afshar, Chief Digital Evangelist at Salesforce, and Peter Gaylord, Senior Director of Salesforce Research, for an interactive presentation as […]

eBook: The 2015 Customer Experience Outlook

I’m thrilled to announce an exciting project with my partners at Doberman! We’re always looking for new ideas to inspire our work. So we recently reached out to some of our favorite customer experience authors, designers, and industry leaders to find out what they were thinking about at the beginning of 2015. The result is […]

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