Congratulations To The 2020 Service Design Award Finalists!

If you’re looking for customer experience or service design inspiration, look no further. We’ve just announced our ten 2020 Service Design Award finalists. (And no, that’s not a typo… Covid through a wrench into our annual awards schedule.) The Finalists Commercial Work CX Transformation For Hearing Care by Smart Design in the USA Future Of […]

FREE eBook: The 2021 CX Outlook

Never in my life have I witnessed so many people collectively anticipate the turn of a calendar page. Yet many of the challenges from 2020 still remain. And, at least here in the United States, we’ve ushered in the new year with political turmoil that almost guarantees the year ahead will give 2020 a run […]

How Can You Make The World A Little More Beautiful?

This post is in honor of Service Design Day — and everyone who’s sick, grieving, or just struggling to make sense of the world right now. *** While walking across the Millennium Bridge in London a few years ago, I noticed a group of people standing around and looking down curiously at a man who […]

How To Help During The Pandemic: Figure Out Your Zone of Genius

A couple of years ago, I read a book that changed the way I thought about my business — and my life: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. My main takeaway was Gay’s framework for describing four “zones” that we all function within: The Zone of Incompetence: When you’re in this zone, you’re doing things you’re […]

Marketing Through Valuable Experiences

I first read Gilmore & Pine’s The Experience Is the Marketing on a cross-country flight sometime around the year 2007. Their article was already several years old at that point, but their ideas made me want to jump out of my seat with joyful cheers: “To be clear, we’re not talking about ‘experiential marketing’ — […]

On Fear And Daring

I stood unsteadily on the side of the mountain, desperately clutching a thick chain that had been anchored deep into the rock next to me. My vision narrowed. My breath became shallow. My legs started to shake violently. I found myself unable to move. Several feet away, the trail that I was on abruptly ended, […]

6 Consumer Trends To Fuel Your Future Customer Experience

I’m at the at the Total CX Leaders conference and just attended an excellent seminar from Max Luthy, Director of Trends & Insights at It was so on point for companies looking to innovate the customer experience that I feel compelled to share. Max presented six trends that can help you frame your CX […]

It’s 02015: Time to Start Thinking Long Term

When we moved back to San Francisco in 02009, my husband and I joined an organization called The Long Now Foundation. About once a month, we attend Long Now lectures to learn about topics like the world’s oldest living organisms; the coevolution of light, life, and color on earth; how to find dangerous asteroids; and […]

Uber Sets Great Expectations For Halloween Surge Pricing

The best part of Uber’s customer experience this Halloween isn’t the little candy corns and witches that have replaced the regular vehicle icons on the in-app map. (Though I have to admit, those are pretty damn cute.) It’s the way Uber has set expectations about the surge pricing that will inevitably force Halloween revelers to […]

3 Ways That Airbnb Fights Survey Fatigue

The good news: companies of all shapes and sizes are implementing Voice of the Customer programs.  The bad news: customers are being inundated with feedback surveys. Just this week, I’ve received survey requests from United Airlines, my veterinarian, my gym, and Airbnb. Airbnb’s was the only one I filled out. Here’s what Airbnb’s email invitation […]

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