FREE eBook: The 2021 CX Outlook

Never in my life have I witnessed so many people collectively anticipate the turn of a calendar page. Yet many of the challenges from 2020 still remain. And, at least here in the United States, we’ve ushered in the new year with political turmoil that almost guarantees the year ahead will give 2020 a run […]

Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2020

It’s been… a year. And while it feels a bit odd to celebrate 2020 with a “Best of” post, I wanted to share the Bodine & Co. content that CX professionals leaned on most during this trying time. Because as it turns out, customer experience is even more important during a pandemic than it ever […]

How Can You Make The World A Little More Beautiful?

This post is in honor of Service Design Day — and everyone who’s sick, grieving, or just struggling to make sense of the world right now. *** While walking across the Millennium Bridge in London a few years ago, I noticed a group of people standing around and looking down curiously at a man who […]

The Pandemic Trigger: It’s Time To Update Your Journey Maps

We’re in the midst of the most rapid change to human behavior that many of us will ever see. What you knew about your customers back in January just doesn’t apply now — and if you’ve got existing journey maps, they are officially out of date. Prior to the pandemic, my general advice for when […]

3 Questions To Guide Your “New Normal” Customer Experience Strategy

As cities and countries around the world grapple with plans to reopen, we’re all wondering what our “new normal” will look like — both personally and professionally. But if you’re reading this post, you don’t have the luxury of sitting on the sidelines and watching it unfold. To succeed throughout the rest of the pandemic and […]

How To Help During The Pandemic: Figure Out Your Zone of Genius

A couple of years ago, I read a book that changed the way I thought about my business — and my life: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. My main takeaway was Gay’s framework for describing four “zones” that we all function within: The Zone of Incompetence: When you’re in this zone, you’re doing things you’re […]

Your One-Stop Guide To Customers’ Behavior During The Coronavirus Pandemic

No big shocker here: We’re all buying more groceries and toilet paper, shifting more purchases from in-store to online, and binge watching Tiger King. But how is our collective shelter-in-place behavior affecting a broader swath of industries? And how can businesses both large and small best engage their customers during this time? With data starting […]

5 Ways To Rethink Customer Experience In The Face Of The Coronavirus

Hoo boy. It’s crazy out there. But you — yes, YOU — have an amazing opportunity to support both your fellow humans and the organization you work for. You have an opportunity to make changes to your offerings and your customer experience today that will: Support your customers’ wildly changing needs and expectations, Drive crucial […]

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