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Why You Need To Measure Journeys—Not Just Touchpoints

Oct. 2, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

Why You Need To Measure Journeys—Not Just Touchpoints

The concept of customer journeys isn’t new to the customer experience world. Yet it’s taken some time for organizations to evolve from simply creating journey maps to actively using the journey as a framework for how they do business. One of the most exciting developments of the past few years is the recognition, in the (Read More...)

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3 Ways That Airbnb Fights Survey Fatigue

Oct. 21, 2014 by Kerry Bodine

3 Ways That Airbnb Fights Survey Fatigue

The good news: companies of all shapes and sizes are implementing Voice of the Customer programs.  The bad news: customers are being inundated with feedback surveys. Just this week, I’ve received survey requests from United Airlines, my veterinarian, my gym, and Airbnb. Airbnb’s was the only one I filled out. Here’s what Airbnb’s email invitation (Read More...)

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