Catch Up On Our Most-Read (And Must-Read!) Posts From The Past Year

Every year I look back to see what blog content our readers have been most drawn to over the past year. It’s always interesting to see which new posts catch people’s attention (like #9 and #5 on the list) and which older posts (like #8 and #2) remain as enduring resources for those in the […]

3 Questions To Guide Your “New Normal” Customer Experience Strategy

As cities and countries around the world grapple with plans to reopen, we’re all wondering what our “new normal” will look like — both personally and professionally. But if you’re reading this post, you don’t have the luxury of sitting on the sidelines and watching it unfold. To succeed throughout the rest of the pandemic and […]

5 Ways To Rethink Customer Experience In The Face Of The Coronavirus

Hoo boy. It’s crazy out there. But you — yes, YOU — have an amazing opportunity to support both your fellow humans and the organization you work for. You have an opportunity to make changes to your offerings and your customer experience today that will: Support your customers’ wildly changing needs and expectations, Drive crucial […]

Customer Experience First, Business Strategy Second

Happy CX Day! On this important day, I want to discuss an important topic: strategy. In a recent post, I lamented how many companies today focus on business strategy first and customer experience strategy second. They decide what they’re going to do—and, as an afterthought, make decisions about how they’ll deliver their products and services. […]

Which Comes First: Big Business Decisions OR Customer Experience?

Over the past year, I’ve had several prospective clients get excited about improving their customer experience—and then postpone their CX initiatives because they first need to “prioritize defining the business requirements” or because they’re about to “embark on a major org change.” This approach always leaves me scratching my head. While these types of initiatives […]

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