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Changing Passwords Sucks! 5 Tips To Make It Better

July 20, 2020 by Kerry Bodine

Changing Passwords Sucks! 5 Tips To Make It Better

This past weekend I tackled a long overdue task: Changing all of my old and not-so-secure passwords. (What can I say… These are exciting times.) Even though change password functionality has been around since the dawn of the Web and is a cornerstone of account security, I was shocked at just how many sites made (Read More...)

It Was A Good Week For User Agreements

Apr. 12, 2018 by Kerry Bodine

It Was A Good Week For User Agreements

If you’re like me, you watched (or at least followed the news coverage of) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before Congress this week. After all, privacy is an issue that customer experience champions should always have top of mind. But there was one moment in the hearings that particularly struck me: Republican Senator John Kennedy’s (Read More...)

AT&T Nails SMS

Mar. 22, 2018 by Kerry Bodine

AT&T Nails SMS

As I was turning on my phone after touchdown in Toronto a few days ago, I realized that I hadn’t set up an international mobile plan for my trip. Ugh. I was in the process of making a mental reminder to log onto AT&T’s website once I got to my hotel room when I got (Read More...)

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The Disconnects Among Today’s Customer-Centric Disciplines

May 28, 2015 by Kerry Bodine

The Disconnects Among Today’s Customer-Centric Disciplines

  When I learned about the field of user experience in the mid 1990s, its primary objective—making technology easy to use—was easy for me to grasp. My education in cognitive science, psychology, and computer science gave me tools and frameworks that I could immediately apply. Service design took a bit longer for me to grok. (Read More...)

UX for Good 2014: Harnessing Emotion to Prevent Genocide

Apr. 26, 2014 by Kerry Bodine

UX for Good 2014: Harnessing Emotion to Prevent Genocide

Have you ever visited a Holocaust museum or genocide memorial? What did you experience? And how did you feel after you left? UX for Good is seeking to convert the raw human emotion evoked by genocide memorials into meaningful action that will prevent future atrocities. In June, they’ll be sending a team of 12 user (Read More...)

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