On Fear And Daring

I stood unsteadily on the side of the mountain, desperately clutching a thick chain that had been anchored deep into the rock next to me. My vision narrowed. My breath became shallow. My legs started to shake violently. I found myself unable to move. Several feet away, the trail that I was on abruptly ended, […]

The Disconnects Among Today’s Customer-Centric Disciplines

  When I learned about the field of user experience in the mid 1990s, its primary objective—making technology easy to use—was easy for me to grasp. My education in cognitive science, psychology, and computer science gave me tools and frameworks that I could immediately apply. Service design took a bit longer for me to grok. […]

Humanizing Healthcare Through Hands, Heads, and Hearts

The following should not be news to you, but it’s sometimes easy to forget: Patients aren’t just lines in a spreadsheet, records in a CRM system, or the list of ailments in their medical records. They are people. And while lots of healthcare companies are talking about “humanizing the healthcare experience,” I get the feeling that […]

My Head Just Exploded: Capital One Acquires Adaptive Path

It’s not often I hear news that makes me scratch my head for hours on end. But Adaptive Path’s announcement last week that they’ve sold to Capital One really got my wheels turning. Even Jesse James Garrett, Adaptive Path’s Chief Creative Officer, admits that the match is a weird one. Here’s what’s rolling around in […]

The Connection Between Customer Satisfaction & Stock Price

The field of customer experience made headlines a few months back when Bloomberg Businessweek published a story titled, “Proof That It Pays to Be America’s Most-Hated Companies.” The article highlighted an analysis of the 2013 stock market returns for 146 publicly traded companies ranked on the 2013 American Customer Satisfaction Index® (ACSI). “You won’t be […]

UX for Good 2014: Harnessing Emotion to Prevent Genocide

Have you ever visited a Holocaust museum or genocide memorial? What did you experience? And how did you feel after you left? UX for Good is seeking to convert the raw human emotion evoked by genocide memorials into meaningful action that will prevent future atrocities. In June, they’ll be sending a team of 12 user […]

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