Oval Created with Sketch. Rectangle-path Created with Sketch. Rectangle-path Created with Sketch. Oval Created with Sketch. Oval Created with Sketch. Rectangle-path Created with Sketch. Oval Created with Sketch. Oval Created with Sketch. Rectangle-path Created with Sketch. Rectangle-path Created with Sketch. Oval Created with Sketch.

Hypothesis Journey Maps: Necessary AND Dangerous

June 19, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

Hypothesis Journey Maps: Necessary AND Dangerous

I recently received this question from a reader in the UK: Which is more effective, creating journey maps based on actual customer stories or creating journey maps based on stories created (imagined) by employees? That’s a great question. But it’s actually not a matter of which one is more effective. In fact, both types of (Read More...)

How To Choose A Persona For Your Journey Map

June 14, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

How To Choose A Persona For Your Journey Map

In a recent post, I tackled the common question of which journey(s) an organization should map. But equally important is the question of which persona should be associated with that map. Before I go any further, let me make this point clear: EVERY JOURNEY MAP NEEDS AN ASSOCIATED PERSONA. Why is this? Quite simply, different (Read More...)

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Journey Mapping Q&A: Customer Recruiting

June 6, 2017 by Amelia Sizemore

Journey Mapping Q&A: Customer Recruiting

We learn something new every time we facilitate a workshop with customers. Often our new learning is about the challenges of customer recruiting—and ways to overcome them. For example, to ensure that customers at a recent workshop showed up on time, we told participants that everybody who arrived 15 minutes early would have their name (Read More...)

How To Map Long, Amorphous Journeys

June 5, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

How To Map Long, Amorphous Journeys

In my last post, I mentioned that some of my early journey mapping clients were investment firms that wanted to map journeys like “saving for retirement” or “building financial wealth.” These journeys were of obvious importance to my clients: By understanding customers’ mindsets and needs along the way, they could help them save more and (Read More...)

Which Customer Journeys Should You Map?

June 1, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

Which Customer Journeys Should You Map?

Where should you start your journey mapping efforts? If you don’t know the answer, you’re not alone. Many aspiring journey mappers feel overwhelmed because they believe that they need to map every single interaction that their customers could possibly have with their organization—a daunting task, indeed! I can’t say you should never map the full (Read More...)

New Customer Experience Workshops Announced!

May 2, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

New Customer Experience Workshops Announced!

I’m excited to announce two additions to our 2017 workshop lineup! NEW! Brand Experience Please contact us to schedule your private workshop. We’ve taken the best of our Designing Brand Experiences consulting offering and compressed it into a one-day workshop. In this interactive workshop, we’ll help you examine your organization’s brand from the outside in (Read More...)

How To Use Our FREE Journey Mapping Template

Feb. 7, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

How To Use Our FREE Journey Mapping Template

When you’re developing your journey maps, it’s important to remember that one journey map template will not meet all your needs. You need to tweak (or sometimes completely redesign) your journey map based on two key considerations: What kind of story you want to tell. You might want to show the pain points and highlights (Read More...)

FREE Journey Mapping Template

Feb. 3, 2017 by Kerry Bodine

FREE Journey Mapping Template

A while back, someone asked me on Twitter whether or not you could create effective journey maps in PowerPoint. My answer is an emphatic “yes!” Here’s why: PowerPoint is robust: Sure, PowerPoint doesn’t have all the fancy bells and whistles that design programs like Photoshop and Illustrator do—but as you can see in the image above, (Read More...)

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