Journey Management

The most comprehensive and effective approach to employe and customer experience management is hiding in plain sight.

When your customers and employees achieve their goals, your organization achieves its objectives, too.

Each journey represents a task or goal that your customers or employees are striving to complete. That’s why the journey framework is central to ongoing experience improvement, innovative experience design, and achievement of your desired business outcomes.

Use Your Maps
More Effectively

Empower employees across every discipline to use your existing journey maps to make more customer- or employee-centric decisions on a consistent basis.

Drive Process

Successfully integrate a focus on customer or employee journeys into your existing budgeting, prioritization, and product development processes.

Your Results

Develop a framework to quantify the value of your customer and employee experience improvements — at individual touchpoints and across end-to-end journeys.

Having Kerry at your side is like having a CX sparring partner. She’ll meet you at your level (wherever that is!), go back and forth with you, and help you hone your ideas from theories into workable solutions.


Journey Analytics & Measurement

Journey analytics is an approach to insights and measurement that examines individual touchpoints and also the paths that customer or employees take as they attempt to accomplish their goals and tasks. Together, we’ll create a holistic measurement framework that reflects the value of your most important journeys.

The Journey Manager Role

The journey manager role — which is nascent, yet similar in function to that of the ubiquitous product manager — will reinvent organizations and unite disparate silos to ensure smooth experiences across end-to-end journeys.

Today, many organizations are still unfamiliar with the responsibilities of journey managers and how to integrate this role into their existing organizational structures. We’ll help you determine if journey managers are right for your organization — then guide you in defining the most beneficial governance structure, core activities and responsibilities, and ideal candidate attributes.

Journey-Based Marketing

How much more impactful would your annual marketing plans be if they centered around a deep understanding of what your customers need, expect, and ask along each step of their journey to find and evaluate your offerings?

We’ll help your marketing teams leverage a repeatable journey-based framework for getting the most out of your overall marketing spend. We also offer immersive programs for innovating your approach to content marketing.

Journey-Based Experience Design

Exceptional experiences don’t happen on accident — they’re the direct result of an intentional and human-centered experience design process. And the most effective experience design processes center on customer or employee journeys, rather than on individual touchpoints.

We’ll demystify the elements of service design, a speciality within the greater field of design thinking that focuses on customer and employee journeys, and support you in the development of a journey-based experience design practice.



Our deliverables add lasting value to your strategic and operational planning — and build support for an organization-wide focus on experiences.

Deep Insights

Want us to review your journey manager job description? Looking for advice on how to best leverage your maps to make important business decisions? Sign up for a one-hour call — or a series of calls — and we’ll tackle your most pressing questions.


Looking for a trusted sounding board for some of the challenges you face on a day-to-day basis? Need more hands-on assistance to get journey management rooted in your organization? Our retainer packages ensure you get dedicated and ongoing support.

In-Depth Working Sessions​

Our on-site or virtual meetings and workshops guide you through the planning and execution of your journey management discipline, creating a clear path to successful integration with your organization.



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