
Ideas, news & analysis

Customer Journey Mapping workshop in November 2016!

Join us for a hands-on customer journey mapping workshop in the heart of San Francisco! I’m thrilled to announce our next open enrollment workshop: November 2, 9:00 – 5:00 & networking cocktails November 3, 9:00 – 4:30 Whether you’re just getting started with customer journey mapping or looking for a methodology refresh, our two-day interactive workshop

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Are Journey Maps Dangerous?

Journey maps help you take a more holistic view of what your customers experience as they do business with your organization. But just how holistic is that view, anyway? I recently got the following questions from a client, I’ll call him Joe, who was concerned that his company’s journey mapping

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Broken Promises: United Airlines Edition

On September 24, 2013, United Airlines sent out an email announcing its renewed commitment to customer experience and the resurrection of its “Fly The Friendly Skies” tagline from decades past. The email read, “‘Friendly’ now means more than it ever did. It means being user‑friendly. In other words, flyer‑friendly. We’re

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Journey Mapping With Customers: What’s In It For Them?

I love bringing our clients’ customers into journey mapping workshops. There’s nothing quite like hearing about customers’ enjoyable, confusing, and downright frustrating experiences while talking with them face to face. But at the outset of our journey mapping projects, many of our clients worry that they won’t be able to

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On Fear And Daring

I stood unsteadily on the side of the mountain, desperately clutching a thick chain that had been anchored deep into the rock next to me. My vision narrowed. My breath became shallow. My legs started to shake violently. I found myself unable to move. Several feet away, the trail that

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Forward To New eBook on Customer Success

The disciplines of marketing and sales have traditionally owned a controlling stake in building customer relationships. On the surface, this makes a certain amount of sense: We need to make customers aware of our offerings and get them in the door. And certainly, this focus on attracting, or hunting, new

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Customer Journey Mapping Workshop in March 2016!

Join us for a hands-on customer journey mapping workshop in historic Philadelphia! I’m thrilled to announce our next open enrollment workshop: March 23, 9:00 – 5:00 & networking dinner March 24, 9:00 – 4:30 Whether you’re just getting started with customer journey mapping or looking for a methodology refresh, our two-day interactive

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Customer Experience First, Business Strategy Second

Happy CX Day! On this important day, I want to discuss an important topic: strategy. In a recent post, I lamented how many companies today focus on business strategy first and customer experience strategy second. They decide what they’re going to do—and, as an afterthought, make decisions about how they’ll

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