Ideas, news & analysis

Bias Check: Do Your Personas & Journey Maps Reflect Customer Diversity?
I’m a strong proponent of including a short description of the customer persona on each journey map. (Otherwise, how do you know whose journey is being represented?) That practice often brings up a question during client conversations: To what degree should our personas represent different races, genders, religions, sexual orientations,

One Thing All B2B Companies Can Do To Improve The Customer Experience
This morning I sent an email to my payroll provider. Not to a generic inbox, but to the real live person who’s assigned my account. A moment later, I received the following auto response: “XXXXX XXXXXXX is no longer employed with us. His inbox is being monitored while your account

FREE eBook: The 2021 CX Outlook
Never in my life have I witnessed so many people collectively anticipate the turn of a calendar page. Yet many of the challenges from 2020 still remain. And, at least here in the United States, we’ve ushered in the new year with political turmoil that almost guarantees the year ahead

Top 10 Customer Experience Posts of 2020
It’s been… a year. And while it feels a bit odd to celebrate 2020 with a “Best of” post, I wanted to share the Bodine & Co. content that CX professionals leaned on most during this trying time. Because as it turns out, customer experience is even more important during

Cyber Monday Sale: 4 Offers To Make The Most Of 2021
2020 has been a year… And we’re crossing every finger that 2021 is going to be brighter and better. We want to help you make that happen with four offers to bolster your customer experience efforts over the upcoming year. Now through Friday, December 4: Save $500 on our Journey

Embracing Change: The Service Design Global Conference Goes Virtual
It’s the time for service designers from around the world to connect. Now more than ever, we need to lean on one another to navigate the challenges ahead, and the Service Design Network is looking forward to bringing the service design community together for virtual reflection, insight, and inspiration on

Two More Opportunities to Journey Map In Your Pajamas!
In-person training won’t be back for a while… But the need to understand your customers’ behaviors, needs, and expectations remains as important as ever. To help you drive critical customer-centric decision-making in your organization, I’m hosting two more Virtual Journey Mapping Bootcamps in 2020: October 7 & 8 December 8

Q&A From My CXPA Webinar: From Journey Mapping To Journey Management
On Wednesday I presented a webinar with the Toronto Customer Experience Professionals Association. We got a ton of great questions about the content I presented. So many, in fact, that I didn’t have time to answer them all on the webinar itself. I’ve organized the questions according to the Journey

Webinar: From Journey Mapping To Journey Management
Join me on Wednesday, August 12 at 1:00pm ET for a webinar with the Toronto Customer Experience Professionals Association. It’s FREE for CXPA members and CAD$65 for everyone else. Webinar overview Journey mapping has reached fever pitch in the customer experience world. But an organization’s mapping efforts are only effective

The Definitive Guide to ONLINE Customer Experience Events
While some in-person customer experience conferences in parts of the world less affected by the pandemic seem to be moving forward for fall 2020, there’s no clear indication of when the global events industry will get back to some kind of new normal. But that doesn’t mean that your need