
Ideas, news & analysis

My Partnerships With The Swedes

I’m not sure if it’s my Swedish heritage, my penchant for Scandinavian design, or my love of long summer days — but as I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve decided to partner with two fantastic Swedish organizations: Doberman and Hyper Island. I thought I’d introduce them to those of

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How Customer Experience Impacts Your Bottom Line

I recently received a rather depressing phone call. My friend, the head of customer experience at a large manufacturing firm, had been laid off along with the rest of her team. This was upsetting on a personal level, of course. But what we jointly bemoaned was the bigger picture: the

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UX for Good 2014: Harnessing Emotion to Prevent Genocide

Have you ever visited a Holocaust museum or genocide memorial? What did you experience? And how did you feel after you left? UX for Good is seeking to convert the raw human emotion evoked by genocide memorials into meaningful action that will prevent future atrocities. In June, they’ll be sending

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Customer Experience Drives Loyalty

Over the last several years, customer experience has become a buzzword in companies around the globe. But why should marketers care about customer experience? Why do customers’ thoughts and feelings about their interactions with companies matter? One word: loyalty. According to a recent report from Oracle: 81% of consumers will

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Customer Experience & Brand

Your brand is more than a logo and a set of visual design guidelines. It’s a beacon that should set the tone for every internal decision and every external interaction. But systemic disconnects between your marketing department and the rest of your organization can result in confusion over what your

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What’s Next for Kerry Bodine?

In December I made the difficult decision to leave Forrester Research. I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunities that Forrester has afforded me since I first walked in the door back in 2004. My work there has changed the trajectory of my career and brought some of my best friends into

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